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Our Partners:

For E-Scooters, E-Bikes & more!





a group of people riding on the back of a motorcycle

About Our Partnerships:

ScooTours was founded by 2 London guides who wanted to explore their city in a new and exciting way. Today, we have branched out into several cities within the UK. Our aim has always been to build a forward-thinking, sustainable company that works with the local community.

To do this, we work exclusively with local guides. We also work with local councils, small businesses and tourism boards to create the perfect experience.

In all of our cities, we are also proud to partner with small, local businesses. All of our non-electric Scooters are provided by Slick Willies, London’s oldest skate shop. Our e-scooters and e-bikes are provided by several exciting and pioneering companies.

Below you will find a description of all of our partners …

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a group of people standing in the snow

Dott, London

We are proud to offer our London e-scooter tours in partnership with Dott, a leading e-scooter rental company that can be found throughout Europe! 

Dott is dedicated to creating a service that works for everyone, everywhere! They currently operate in 17 cities across 6 countries. Including Paris, Rome, Warsaw and London! Dott safely operates 30,000 vehicles every day.

Dott believes in creating a safe, energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly form of transportation. In all their cities, they have teams of local staff members who work tirelessly to clean and maintain their e-scooter fleet and oversee all ground operations to make sure everything’s in its right place. 

Overall, Dott believes in making sure the streets are safe for all! Find out more about them here: “The Dott Way.”

Download on the App Store or Google Play.

a group of people walking in front of a building

Voi, Cambridge

To provide e-scooter tours in Cambridge, we are proud to partner with Voi.

Voi is a leading European e-scooter company based in Stockholm, Sweden. Today, you can find their e-scooters in various cities throughout Europe and the UK.

Voi believes in freedom: Freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of movement. They want to help enable people to move around their cities free from congestion and pollution. They have a strong belief in sustainability and helping cities become more eco-friendly.

Voi is a wonderful company, that we hope to be working with for a long time. Find out more here: Voi Technology – Get Magic Wheels.

Download on the App Store or Google Play.

a group of people in a park

Spin, Milton Keynes

Our first ever electric scooter tours were held in Milton Keynes in the Spring of 2021. To provide e-scooter tours in Milton Keynes, we were proud to partner with Spin.

Spin is an exciting company based out of San Fransisco. They were originally founded in 2017 and their original concept involved launching a dockless bicycle-sharing system controlled by a mobile app. In 2018, they took this model and applied it to e-scooters. 

In 2019, with the backing of Ford Motors, the company was able to expand rapidly and launch e-scooters in several cities across America. Today, they have expanded to provide e-scooters in both Germany and the UK.

Spin maintains a good collection of core values that include an emphasis on safety, community and sustainability. 

Find out more here: Spin – Freedom to Move.

Download on the App Store or Google Play. 

a group of people posing for the camera

Slick Willies, London

The first-ever tours we ran were non-electric scooter tours of Hyde Park. All of our Scooters were provided by Slick Willies, London’s oldest skate shop. Slick Willies originally opened in 1970 and has been at the forefront of everything scooter, skateboard, bike and roller-blade related for over 40 years! You can find out more about our partner here: Slick Willies

Located just around the corner from Kensington Palace, Slick Willies is a perfect starting point for our scooter tours. This allows us to quickly and safely explore one of London’s most famous parks: Hyde Park!

Scooters are an ideal way to see the city. They’re quick and lightweight, meaning we can cover large distances at ease. They can also be folded up and taken on the Underground. The possibilities are endless! 

So come and scoot with us today!

a group of people standing in front of a building

Featured Tours:


Think you know London? Think again! Our Hidden London tour will take you on an adventure of quirky history, bizarre stories and unknown locations as we unravel all the mysteries the city has to offer!

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From £52.00

Travelling as part of a small group or family? Why not upgrade to a private tour. These exclusive tours are available for up to 6 participants and can be tailored to suit your needs. Including new electric bikes for 2025!

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From £350.00

This is the ultimate London experience! Come along as we scoot from East to West, from the Tower of London to Parliament, visiting every major London landmark in between!

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From £52.00